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Islamic Lifestyle

Rights of a Muslim Wife upon Her Husband

Rights of a Muslim Wife upon Her Husband #MTNShortz3Sixtyworld There is a misconception that Islam doesn’t give proper rights to woman. If you carefully study Islam in the lights of Quran and the Sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ), you will understand that Islam is the only religion giving proper rights to a woman or wife.   Allah said in the…

How to Make Quran Learning Effective For Kids

How to Make Quran Learning Effective For Kids #MTNShortz3Sixtyworld The Holy Quran comes with an exalted status in lives of each and every Muslims, as it was uncovered upon our dearest messenger, Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) and it comprises of endless lessons of the religion Islam that are an incredible wellspring of edification to enhancing the…

The Cure for Post-Ramadan Depression

The Cure for Post-Ramadan Depression #MTNShortz3Sixtyworld Question: Salam Aleikom. Ramadan is over and I feel so depressed. I miss the gatherings at the mosque, the tarawih prayers, and that special spirit Ramadan has. I don’t feel like eating during the daytime, and I find myself still eagerly waiting for the time of magrib. I don’t want to…

Random Acts of Kindness In Ramadan

Random Acts of Kindness In Ramadan #MTNShortz3Sixtyworld The one thing which is on the priority list of Muslims when the month of Ramadan arrives is the arrangement for Suhoor and Iftaar meals and how they are going to distribute the time of the day in prayers and performing daily chores. Thus, this notion gets propagated among Muslims, and…

How to Live a Successful Married Life

How to Live a Successful Married Life In Islam, one of the major parts of the life of a person is getting married. Both male and female are encouraged to get married in Islam at the earliest. Moreover, besides the general commendation of marriage, Islam also tells its followers to build such a marital relationship where both the…