A Muslim must not refuse any lawful occupation on the account of its being low in dignity

In Islam, every job is a chance to earn dignity and self-respect through honest hard work. Labor is a blessing and a way to serve others and please Allah. Every job matters and deserves respect, regardless of status or position.

Meanwhile, a Muslim must not refuse any lawful occupation on the account of its being low in dignity. While it is honourable to work to earn a living, it is dishonorable to depend on begging for a living.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad is reported to have promoted the dignity of labour in some of his traditions and they include:

That one of you take his rope and go to the mountainand bringback a bundleof wood on his hack and sell it, with which Alllah should save his honour. It is better for him than begging, whether they give him or not.

Never has any one eaten better food than what he eats from work done by his hands.

Give the labourer his wage before his sweat dries.

The above Hadith all teach Muslims several lessons to be practiced and they are:

  1. A Muslim should go to work to earn his livelihood.
  2. Proceeds from one’s physical labour are more beneficial than the product of when he begs.
  3. A Muslim should not delay payment of those that work under him after the completion of the due work.
  4. All suitable lawful work is dignifying.
  5. The Prophets of Allah also encouraged in labour respectively.
  6. It is obligatory for every Muslim to engage in lawful labour.

Below are some Quran chapters that talk about the dignity of labor:


  • Surah Al-‘Ankabut (chapter 29 verse 64):

And indeed, the Hereafter is better for you than the present life.

(This verse encourages working for the Hereafter through good deeds, including honest labor.)

  • Surah Al-Jumu’ah (chapter 62 verse 10):

And when the prayer has been concluded, disperse within the land and seek from the bounty of Allah…

(This verse encourages believers to work and seek provision from Allah’s bounty after fulfilling their religious obligations.)

  • Surah Al-Furqan (chapter 25 verse 2):

He who has created death and life, that He may test you, which of you is best in deed…

(This verse highlights the importance of good deeds, including honest labor, in earning Allah’s favor.)

  • Surah Al-Hadid (chapter 57, verse 18): 

Indeed, those who give their wealth by night and day, secretly and publicly, will have their reward with their Lord…

(This verse encourages charity and generosity, which can be achieved through honest labor and earning a halal income.)

In conclusion, the above-mentioned chapters emphasize the value of hard work, personal effort, and honest labor in achieving success, prosperity, and Allah’s favor.