Verse of the Day


May the seeker who seeks Me know that, “I Am Near”. I answer the call of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be guided. – The Quran 2:186

Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) transmitted that Allah, the Exalted and Glorious, states:

I am near to the thought of My servant as he thinks about Me, and I am with him as he remembers Me. And if he remembers Me in his heart, I also remember him in My Heart, and if he remembers Me in assembly I remember him in assembly, better than his (remembrance) , and if he draws near Me by the span of a palm, I draw near him by the cubit, and if he draws near Me by the cubit I draw near him by the space (covered by) two hands. And if he walks towards Me, I rush towards him.