Those who sever the ties of kinship will be punished. (Quran 47:22)

In Islam, maintaining surname and family ties (known as “Silatur Rahim”) is considered a vital aspect of a Muslim’s social and moral responsibility.

The significance of preserving your surnames and maintaining family ties is highlighted below.

  • Preservation of lineage: Surnames indicate ancestry and family connections, which are essential in Islamic culture.
  • Identity and heritage: Retaining one’s surname maintains connection to Islamic heritage and community.
  • Quranic emphasis;

Call them by their fathers’ names; it is more just in the sight of Allah.” (Quran 33:5)

  • Prophetic guidance: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,

Whoever claims to be the son of someone other than his father, knowing he is not his father, will be denied Paradise. (Bukhari)

  • Prevention of confusion: Changing surnames can lead to confusion about paternity, inheritance, and family relationships.
  • Cultural significance: Surnames hold cultural and historical importance, reflecting tribal or familial affiliations.
  • Islamic scholars’ views: Many scholars consider changing surnames without valid reasons as makruh (disliked) or haram (forbidden).

Other Ways of Maintaining Family Ties:

  1. Regular communication
  2. Visiting relatives
  3. Financial support (when needed)
  4. Respecting elders
  5. Preserving family history and traditions

Importance of maintaining the Family Ties:

  • Quranic emphasis:

And those who join the broken ties of kinship, Allah will restore their ties with prosperity.
(Quran 13:21)

  • Prophetic guidance: Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) said,

Whoever wants to have his provision expanded and his life span prolonged, let him maintain his ties of kinship. (Bukhari)

  • Strengthening community: Family ties foster unity, cooperation, and support within the community.

Consequences of Severing Family Ties:

  • Quranic warning:

Those who sever the ties of kinship will be punished. (Quran 47:22)

  • Social fragmentation
  • Emotional distress
  • Loss of community support

In summary, Islam emphasizes maintaining family ties and preserving ancestral names as essential aspects of Muslim identity and community cohesion.