The Dark Days: Prophet Muhammad's Trial

By: Raheemat Yusuf


Imagine being persecuted, ridiculed, and doubted by those around you. This was Prophet Muhammad’s reality in Mecca.

The Unbearable Silence

For six long weeks, the Quranic revelations stopped. The Prophet’s companions wondered if Allah had abandoned them.

Satan’s Whisperings

The devil seized this opportunity to spread rumors: “Allah has forsaken Muhammad.” Doubts crept into the hearts of believers.

A Divine Reassurance

Then, Surah Ad-Duha was revealed:

By the morning hours and the night when it darkens… Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He forgotten you. (93:1-3)

Allah’s words were like a warm embrace:

I’m here for you, Muhammad. Don’t lose faith.

A Promise of Better Days

The Hereafter is better for you than the first life. (Chapter 93, verse 4)

The Prophet felt reassured, knowing Allah had greater plans.

Translation of Surah Ad-Duha:

1. By the morning hours,
2. And the night when it darkens,
3. Your Lord has not forsaken you, nor has He forgotten you.
4. The Hereafter is better for you than the first life.
5. And your Lord will give you, and you will be satisfied.
6. Did He not find you an orphan and give you shelter?
7. And find you lost, and guide you?
8. And find you in need, and enrich you?
9. So, as for the orphan, do not oppress.
10. And as for the one who asks, do not repel.
11. And as for the blessings of your Lord, proclaim.

Translation Notes:

  • “Duha” refers to the morning hours (dawn to sunrise).
  • “Sajaa” means darkness or nightfall.
  • “Rabbuka” emphasizes God’s sovereignty and care.


Surah Ad-Duha reassures Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and believers:

  • God’s presence and care.
  • Better days ahead.
  • Gratitude for past blessings.
  • Compassion for vulnerable (orphans, needy).
  • Proclaiming God’s blessings

A Lesson for Muslims

Surah Ad-Duha teaches us that:

1. Allah is always present, even in darkness.
2. Faith can overcome doubt and fear.
3. Better days are ahead, even when circumstances seem bleak.

This Surah remains a beacon of hope, reminding us of Allah’s unwavering love and support.