Hijri calendar is a lunar calendar, with months beginning and ending according to the moon’s movements. The moon’s disappearance marks the beginning of the month. During the reign of Khalifa Umar ibn al-Khattab, the Hijri calendar was formally established. The Prophet’s (migration) in 622 AD marks the start of the Hijrah year calendar and lends it its name.
The Hijri calendar is used to mark a range of important Islamic dates and events, including Ramadan, Eid al-Fitr, Eid al-Adha, and the start of the Hajj season.
Muharram, Safar, Rabi AL-Awwal, Rabi AL-Thani, Jumada AL- Awwal, Jumada Thani, Rajab, Sha’aban, Ramadan, Shawwal, and Dhul Qadah are the 12 months of the Hijri year.
Muharram: is the first month of the Hijri year and is known as the “Forbidden Month” since fighting is prohibited during this time.
Safar: The second month of the Hijri year, so named because Arabs used raid their opponents’ palaces after defeating them in war, leaving nothing (zero) behind.
Rabi AL- Awwal and Rabi AL-Thani: These two months corresponded to the beginning of spring, as well as a time when individuals who had won a war could enjoy their new property, which had been seized in the previous month of Safar.
Jumada AL- Awwal and Jumada AL-Thani: These two months, which coincide with the winter season, are named after the freezing of water.
Rajab: Respect and honor are two words that come to mind while thinking of Rajab.
Ramadan: is the traditional Muslim fasting month, named after the intense heat induced by the summer sun.
Shawwal: Because it is the seasonal birthing season for camels, who generally lift their tails during this tDhul Qadah: Named after the Arabic word for “sitting,”
Dhul Qadah: is a holy month during which Muslims must “sit out” or refrain from fighting (though it is permitted to defend oneself if attacked).
Dhul Hijjah: The last month of the Hijri Year, during which the Hajj pilgrimage takes place.