Every act of worship that is conducted in accordance with Allah’s commandments and approval, and for Allah’s sake, is rewarded.

Fards, however, receive the biggest prices. Five daily prayers are the most significant fard.

The daily prayers, which are said five times a day and constitute a continuous prayer, serve to remind man of Allah and to transport him to Allah’s presence.

In the Holy Quran, Allah (SWT) says ” Indeed, I am Allah. There is no god except Me, so worship Me and establish prayer for My remembrance.”  (Suratul Taha-14)

People are reminded of Allah through prayer, which is a pillar of Islam. It serves as a reminder of Allah’s commands and prohibitions, as well as a shield against haram.

Most of the daily life of those who perform the five daily prayers on time, properly, regularly, and in a nice way is spent on worshipping.

 Prophet Muhammed (SAW) said, “The reward of deeds depends upon the intentions, and every person will get the reward according to what he has intended.”  A person who goes to bed with the intention of getting up for the morning prayer and takes precautions such as setting the alarm clock has already started to obtain rewards for the prayer.

Those who wake up from a peaceful night’s sleep with the goal of doing prayers for Allah’s sake will be rewarded for every step they take in the preparation of the prayer and every deed they undertake, even going to the bathroom with the intention to perform Wudu, as drops of water fall from their washed organs, their minor offenses are forgiven.

Allah’s believing, conscious, and genuine servants who pray forty Rakats every day and do the five daily prayers on time.

There are forty Qiyaomah in the forty Rakat of prayers: In the presence of Allah, standing on one’s feet

Forty Ruku’s: kneeling down in the presence of Allah., Eighty Sajdahs: prostrating in the presence of Allah’s., Twenty-one Qa’das: sitting in the presence of Allah.

The basics and pillars of prayer are those bodily activities (worshipping) that create the main structure and general anatomy of the prayer.

Fard is the act of reading the Quran during prayer. As a result, the Quran read during prayer is rewarded more generously.

hadith reported by Tirmidhi, The Prophet (SAW) said “There is one hasana for a person who reads one letter from the book of Allah. Ten rewards are given for one hasana.”

A person who reads a letter from the Quran aside from salah (prayer) is rewarded ten times unless they are in the Puerperium, Menstruation, or Janabah.

In a hadith reported by Bayhaqi, The Prophet (SAW) said, “If a clean (not in the state of Puerperium, Menstruation or Janabah) person listens to a letter from the book of Allah, ten rewards are recorded for him, ten of his sins are deleted and his degree is increased ten times. 

Every day, 40 al-Fatiha and at least 33 verses are read throughout the five daily prayers (40 Rakat).

Al-Fatiha has 140 letters, including Bisimilah, research has also shown that reading al-Fatiha 40 times yields a total of 5,600 letters.

If only the extremely short chapters are read, there are at least 3.800 letters in the 33 verses.

The total letters of Al-Fatiha and verses are 9.400 every day and 282.000 per month in the five daily prayers.

The total number of letters in Al-Fatiha and verses in one month’s prayers is 328,000; Ayat-al-Kursi is 25,500; Al-Fatiha after the prayer is 21,000.

The total number of letters in the Quran is 323,671, according to Abdullah Ibn Abbas, the sultan of Quran interpreters.

Muslims who pray five times a day on a regular basis are considered to have read the whole Quran in a month, plus an additional 4,829 letters.

Oh Allah continue to guide our affairs count us among your servant who will worship always, forgive all our sin, and accept our prayer as an act of Ibadah
